Wokingham Accountants

Company addresses


Below is an explanation of the different types of company address associated with a limited company.

Registered office address

This is where your company is legally based from. This is the address that will be included on the public register and used to send the company correspondence by Companies House and HMRC.

For an additional fee, you can use our address as the registered office of your company if you do not want to use your home address or business address.

Service address

This is the address at which the director’s/PSC’s of a company can be contacted at. This is often an alternative to your residential address for the purpose of receiving post in the UK. This will also be displayed on the public register and so for privacy reasons, you may not use your home address.

SAIL address

SAIL stands for: Single Alternative Inspection Location.

This is optional and uncommon among small businesses. This address is an alternative to the registered office for storing the company’s statutory register and making them available for public inspection.

Business address

This is optional and may or may not be the same as the registered office address. This is the place where the business trades from and/or where customers can contact you.

Trading address

This is the location where the business operates/trades from, similar and often interchangeable with the business address.