Wokingham Accountants

Government Gateway Account

Personal Tax Account

You can access all areas of your personal tax account by setting up a personal government gateway account.  Once completed you will be able to:

  • View your state pension summary - your forecast and when eligible to claim, your national insurance contribution record and the ability to complete National Insurance claim forms online etc.

  • Check your tax credits and child benefits.

  • View your PAYE income details.

  • Manage your personal details - amend your home address, or the address that you would like HMRC to send letters to.

  • Claim and manage your marriage allowance. Transfer part of a personal allowance between partners to pay less tax (if eligible).

To set up your personal government gateway account, click here.

You will need to enter your nameemail address and provide a password.  You will then be given a 12 digit user ID number - remember to keep your password and ID in a safe place.

To prove it's you, HMRC will need to send you an access code via HMRC app, text message or voice call to a landline phone number - follow the on screen instructions.

You then need to confirm your identity by entering additional security information - name, national insurance number & date of birth. You will also need your most recent P60 or passport to complete your registration.